BrainTek's Brain Management Program:

You can have the best gasoline in the world but if your engine is not tuned, your performance will be marginal. 

Why is it difficult to pay attention in class?  Why can’t students or even adults tap into their own potential?  Because the brain is managing them, rather than the other way around.  

Learning to manage your brain is vital to your present and your future.  Stress affects your ability to learn, and the mind chatter and mental fatigue that stress creates are massive.  Stress can even change family dynamics.

 BrainTek programs accelerate learning and also help students and adults catch up.  Our programs have been successful with clients with ADHD, learning disorders, low self-esteem, low self-confidence, and OCD.  BrainTek programs have been used in public and private schools, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Job Corps program, rehabilitation centers, clinics, and in workshops and seminars.

Our assessments will help you understand your learning style and help you bridge the gap between your learning style and your teacher's or boss's style.

BrainTek studies your brain through a series of assessments and designs an individualized program for your brain.  BrainTek’s entrainment program uses lobe-specific brain-entrainment exercises, computer games, virtual reality total-immersion interactive games, audio protocols, experiential enrichment activities, and video games.

As your brain is being tuned through a series of BrainTek protocols, you are being taught how to manage your brain.

These protocols have helped students recover one to five grade levels in math and reading in as little as 30 hours in special education programs and rehabilitation programs.

•    Anyone can look ... We teach you to see.

•    Anyone can hear ... We teach you to listen.

•    Anyone can talk ... We teach you to communicate, to become your own advocate with your teacher / boss.  

We teach you certain movements that can command your focus and attention, whether you are in the classroom or the boardroom.  We teach you exercises that help you improve your speed of thought and enhance your ability to remember and recall.   

Our techniques help you get more done in less time.  That means getting the project done faster, with less time struggling.

BrainTek offers in-office and remote programs.

Schedule your appointment today by calling BrainTek: 858-222-9138

International Society for Neurofeedback Research

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